Hello... You are always, welcome... BUT please check, PREVIOUSLY: profile and agendas...

You are always, WELCOME, to my mind: this is a BIO, confident, channel: this is a personal channel and agenda (s)...


This is a personal channel, for livelong learning process,

for see our current world, and try to learn collaboratively,

under the stimulii, provided by web 2.0 or social sharingchannels:

HERE, my private or personal, preferences, tools with the power

and inspiration

FOR HELP ME to understand, be challenged or help to change...

adversity, for joy, tears for hope, and traditions, hate and intolerance, for a:

magical bridge for peace and local and global understanding

using tools

as e-translation, based on cultural, citizens journalism, bloggers,

human rights and individual freedom and liberties defenders,

centered in INVISIBLE, vulnerable sectors of ordinary reality as children,

young PEOPLES, disabilities peoples, rural citizens,

afrodescendents and original peoples, and their conections with

emergent DEMOCRATIC AND CULTURAL citizenship, ...

as human beings in current world, as expressions of unite on diversity.


links, articles, repositories or databankS, as feedback,

coming from everywhere

- e-translation is OK, here, if YOU include a copy to at least one Romanic Language: Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Romanian, or similar-, in current planet:

who works on edutainment,

leisure, communications, education, researches, b2b services,

communitarian tools and initiatives, projects management, intangibles, new economy,

paradigmal transition, philosophy and cyberspace,

telecenters and other tools for social inclusion and human development, are always welcome.

Here we go!...best wishes...

Yoe F. Santos


Spring, 2011

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Work At Home Jobs-Ways To Make Money Online

Work At Home Jobs-Ways To Make Money Online

Thanks for everything, sweet friend: BEYOND, DISLEARN OUR MISOGYNY: LETS move human rights issues at the HEART, ON GLOBAL struggle, against: poverty,violence (s), exclusion and discrimination, JUST, RIGHT NOW!!http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=6999380&l=03135c42ca&id=628036390DESAPRENDER LA MISOGINIA: PONGAMOS LOS DERECHOS HUMANOS, en el corazon de la lucha mundial CONTRA: LA POBREZA,LAS VIOLENCIAS, LA EXCLUSION Y LA DISCRIMINACION!!!_______________"(...) Podemos enseñarles a someter los criterios a la realidad y no la realidad a los criterios. A NO TENER miedo a los cambios. A atreverse a soñar y a perseguir sus sueños. A "revisar lo sabido y a pensar lo prohibido". Podemos jurarles que el futuro les pertenece y pedirles que lo asuman con responsabilidad y conciencia, pero también con DESEO Y PASION, como una bocanada de aire desesperada, SIN PERDERla alegría de vivir, de amar y de crear (...)" Ginny Taulé (1992)__________"The gens of solidarity does not exists, ALL of us, will need to be re-educated"Ezequiel Ander - Egg____"TIME is the base of CREATIVITY... in philosophers, artists, scientific peoples"Ilya Prigogine"Oftenly, as artists, scientific people, need to be adapted to exists under a relative disordered or disorganized world, that is what I called " creative and vital tension" (...)ANOMALY is the prior sign of a new paradigm (...) re design, the tools is something extravagant, but the NEW PARADIGM emerges, just when the rest of rules are breakdown (...) new paradigms, challenge, the ordinary or normal sciences, some times for a little group of individuals, in other cases, inclusive by just a single person (...) when new paradigm, is expressed... ALL TEXTS BOOKS, need to be re-written"Thomas S. Khun(1954, 1962)"Happy Babel" Experiences & Referenceshttp://happy-babel.blogspot.com/World Cultures. Ordinary Lives on Cyberspace.________YFS. Relative links.Personal Infohttp://www.linkedin.com/profile?viewProfile=&key=11404356https://www.xing.com/profile/YoeF_SantosGraciano2

Work At Home Jobs-Ways To Make Money Online

Work At Home Jobs-Ways To Make Money Online

Thanks for everything, sweet friend: BEYOND, DISLEARN OUR MISOGYNY: LETS move human rights issues at the HEART, ON GLOBAL struggle, against: poverty,violence (s), exclusion and discrimination, JUST, RIGHT NOW!!http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=6999380&l=03135c42ca&id=628036390DESAPRENDER LA MISOGINIA: PONGAMOS LOS DERECHOS HUMANOS, en el corazon de la lucha mundial CONTRA: LA POBREZA,LAS VIOLENCIAS, LA EXCLUSION Y LA DISCRIMINACION!!!_______________"(...) Podemos enseñarles a someter los criterios a la realidad y no la realidad a los criterios. A NO TENER miedo a los cambios. A atreverse a soñar y a perseguir sus sueños. A "revisar lo sabido y a pensar lo prohibido". Podemos jurarles que el futuro les pertenece y pedirles que lo asuman con responsabilidad y conciencia, pero también con DESEO Y PASION, como una bocanada de aire desesperada, SIN PERDERla alegría de vivir, de amar y de crear (...)" Ginny Taulé (1992)__________"The gens of solidarity does not exists, ALL of us, will need to be re-educated"Ezequiel Ander - Egg____"TIME is the base of CREATIVITY... in philosophers, artists, scientific peoples"Ilya Prigogine"Oftenly, as artists, scientific people, need to be adapted to exists under a relative disordered or disorganized world, that is what I called " creative and vital tension" (...)ANOMALY is the prior sign of a new paradigm (...) re design, the tools is something extravagant, but the NEW PARADIGM emerges, just when the rest of rules are breakdown (...) new paradigms, challenge, the ordinary or normal sciences, some times for a little group of individuals, in other cases, inclusive by just a single person (...) when new paradigm, is expressed... ALL TEXTS BOOKS, need to be re-written"Thomas S. Khun(1954, 1962)"Happy Babel" Experiences & Referenceshttp://happy-babel.blogspot.com/World Cultures. Ordinary Lives on Cyberspace.________YFS. Relative links.Personal Infohttp://www.linkedin.com/profile?viewProfile=&key=11404356https://www.xing.com/profile/YoeF_SantosGraciano2

Work At Home Jobs-Ways To Make Money Online

Work At Home Jobs-Ways To Make Money Online

Thanks for everything, sweet friend: BEYOND, DISLEARN OUR MISOGYNY: LETS move human rights issues at the HEART, ON GLOBAL struggle, against: poverty,violence (s), exclusion and discrimination, JUST, RIGHT NOW!!http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=6999380&l=03135c42ca&id=628036390DESAPRENDER LA MISOGINIA: PONGAMOS LOS DERECHOS HUMANOS, en el corazon de la lucha mundial CONTRA: LA POBREZA,LAS VIOLENCIAS, LA EXCLUSION Y LA DISCRIMINACION!!!_______________"(...) Podemos enseñarles a someter los criterios a la realidad y no la realidad a los criterios. A NO TENER miedo a los cambios. A atreverse a soñar y a perseguir sus sueños. A "revisar lo sabido y a pensar lo prohibido". Podemos jurarles que el futuro les pertenece y pedirles que lo asuman con responsabilidad y conciencia, pero también con DESEO Y PASION, como una bocanada de aire desesperada, SIN PERDERla alegría de vivir, de amar y de crear (...)" Ginny Taulé (1992)__________"The gens of solidarity does not exists, ALL of us, will need to be re-educated"Ezequiel Ander - Egg____"TIME is the base of CREATIVITY... in philosophers, artists, scientific peoples"Ilya Prigogine"Oftenly, as artists, scientific people, need to be adapted to exists under a relative disordered or disorganized world, that is what I called " creative and vital tension" (...)ANOMALY is the prior sign of a new paradigm (...) re design, the tools is something extravagant, but the NEW PARADIGM emerges, just when the rest of rules are breakdown (...) new paradigms, challenge, the ordinary or normal sciences, some times for a little group of individuals, in other cases, inclusive by just a single person (...) when new paradigm, is expressed... ALL TEXTS BOOKS, need to be re-written"Thomas S. Khun(1954, 1962)"Happy Babel" Experiences & Referenceshttp://happy-babel.blogspot.com/World Cultures. Ordinary Lives on Cyberspace.________YFS. Relative links.Personal Infohttp://www.linkedin.com/profile?viewProfile=&key=11404356https://www.xing.com/profile/YoeF_SantosGraciano2

Work At Home Jobs-Ways To Make Money Online

Work At Home Jobs-Ways To Make Money Online

Thanks for everything, sweet friend: BEYOND, DISLEARN OUR MISOGYNY: LETS move human rights issues at the HEART, ON GLOBAL struggle, against: poverty,violence (s), exclusion and discrimination, JUST, RIGHT NOW!!http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=6999380&l=03135c42ca&id=628036390DESAPRENDER LA MISOGINIA: PONGAMOS LOS DERECHOS HUMANOS, en el corazon de la lucha mundial CONTRA: LA POBREZA,LAS VIOLENCIAS, LA EXCLUSION Y LA DISCRIMINACION!!!_______________"(...) Podemos enseñarles a someter los criterios a la realidad y no la realidad a los criterios. A NO TENER miedo a los cambios. A atreverse a soñar y a perseguir sus sueños. A "revisar lo sabido y a pensar lo prohibido". Podemos jurarles que el futuro les pertenece y pedirles que lo asuman con responsabilidad y conciencia, pero también con DESEO Y PASION, como una bocanada de aire desesperada, SIN PERDERla alegría de vivir, de amar y de crear (...)" Ginny Taulé (1992)__________"The gens of solidarity does not exists, ALL of us, will need to be re-educated"Ezequiel Ander - Egg____"TIME is the base of CREATIVITY... in philosophers, artists, scientific peoples"Ilya Prigogine"Oftenly, as artists, scientific people, need to be adapted to exists under a relative disordered or disorganized world, that is what I called " creative and vital tension" (...)ANOMALY is the prior sign of a new paradigm (...) re design, the tools is something extravagant, but the NEW PARADIGM emerges, just when the rest of rules are breakdown (...) new paradigms, challenge, the ordinary or normal sciences, some times for a little group of individuals, in other cases, inclusive by just a single person (...) when new paradigm, is expressed... ALL TEXTS BOOKS, need to be re-written"Thomas S. Khun(1954, 1962)"Happy Babel" Experiences & Referenceshttp://happy-babel.blogspot.com/World Cultures. Ordinary Lives on Cyberspace.________YFS. Relative links.Personal Infohttp://www.linkedin.com/profile?viewProfile=&key=11404356https://www.xing.com/profile/YoeF_SantosGraciano2

Suite101.com: Online Magazine and Writers' Network

Suite101.com: Online Magazine and Writers' Network

Thanks for everything, sweet friend: BEYOND, DISLEARN OUR MISOGYNY: LETS move human rights issues at the HEART, ON GLOBAL struggle, against: poverty,violence (s), exclusion and discrimination, JUST, RIGHT NOW!!http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=6999380&l=03135c42ca&id=628036390DESAPRENDER LA MISOGINIA: PONGAMOS LOS DERECHOS HUMANOS, en el corazon de la lucha mundial CONTRA: LA POBREZA,LAS VIOLENCIAS, LA EXCLUSION Y LA DISCRIMINACION!!!_______________"(...) Podemos enseñarles a someter los criterios a la realidad y no la realidad a los criterios. A NO TENER miedo a los cambios. A atreverse a soñar y a perseguir sus sueños. A "revisar lo sabido y a pensar lo prohibido". Podemos jurarles que el futuro les pertenece y pedirles que lo asuman con responsabilidad y conciencia, pero también con DESEO Y PASION, como una bocanada de aire desesperada, SIN PERDERla alegría de vivir, de amar y de crear (...)" Ginny Taulé (1992)__________"The gens of solidarity does not exists, ALL of us, will need to be re-educated"Ezequiel Ander - Egg____"TIME is the base of CREATIVITY... in philosophers, artists, scientific peoples"Ilya Prigogine"Oftenly, as artists, scientific people, need to be adapted to exists under a relative disordered or disorganized world, that is what I called " creative and vital tension" (...)ANOMALY is the prior sign of a new paradigm (...) re design, the tools is something extravagant, but the NEW PARADIGM emerges, just when the rest of rules are breakdown (...) new paradigms, challenge, the ordinary or normal sciences, some times for a little group of individuals, in other cases, inclusive by just a single person (...) when new paradigm, is expressed... ALL TEXTS BOOKS, need to be re-written"Thomas S. Khun(1954, 1962)"Happy Babel" Experiences & Referenceshttp://happy-babel.blogspot.com/World Cultures. Ordinary Lives on Cyberspace.________YFS. Relative links.Personal Infohttp://www.linkedin.com/profile?viewProfile=&key=11404356https://www.xing.com/profile/YoeF_SantosGraciano2

Bound Off: Literary Audio Podcast, Short Stories, Fiction

Bound Off: Literary Audio Podcast, Short Stories, Fiction
Thanks for everything, sweet friend: BEYOND, DISLEARN OUR MISOGYNY: LETS move human rights issues at the HEART, ON GLOBAL struggle, against: poverty,violence (s), exclusion and discrimination, JUST, RIGHT NOW!!http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=6999380&l=03135c42ca&id=628036390DESAPRENDER LA MISOGINIA: PONGAMOS LOS DERECHOS HUMANOS, en el corazon de la lucha mundial CONTRA: LA POBREZA,LAS VIOLENCIAS, LA EXCLUSION Y LA DISCRIMINACION!!!_______________"(...) Podemos enseñarles a someter los criterios a la realidad y no la realidad a los criterios. A NO TENER miedo a los cambios. A atreverse a soñar y a perseguir sus sueños. A "revisar lo sabido y a pensar lo prohibido". Podemos jurarles que el futuro les pertenece y pedirles que lo asuman con responsabilidad y conciencia, pero también con DESEO Y PASION, como una bocanada de aire desesperada, SIN PERDERla alegría de vivir, de amar y de crear (...)" Ginny Taulé (1992)__________"The gens of solidarity does not exists, ALL of us, will need to be re-educated"Ezequiel Ander - Egg____"TIME is the base of CREATIVITY... in philosophers, artists, scientific peoples"Ilya Prigogine"Oftenly, as artists, scientific people, need to be adapted to exists under a relative disordered or disorganized world, that is what I called " creative and vital tension" (...)ANOMALY is the prior sign of a new paradigm (...) re design, the tools is something extravagant, but the NEW PARADIGM emerges, just when the rest of rules are breakdown (...) new paradigms, challenge, the ordinary or normal sciences, some times for a little group of individuals, in other cases, inclusive by just a single person (...) when new paradigm, is expressed... ALL TEXTS BOOKS, need to be re-written"Thomas S. Khun(1954, 1962)"Happy Babel" Experiences & Referenceshttp://happy-babel.blogspot.com/World Cultures. Ordinary Lives on Cyberspace.________YFS. Relative links.Personal Infohttp://www.linkedin.com/profile?viewProfile=&key=11404356https://www.xing.com/profile/YoeF_SantosGraciano2

Monday, May 30, 2011

La gestión de contenidos en portales Web

La gestión de contenidos en portales Web: "La gestión de contenidos es una actividad que ha cobrado auge en el entorno académico y profesional, y dentro de ella, en las particularidades de la “gestión de contenidos Web”. Este último campo se ha tratado tradicionalmente por los profesionales de la informática. Sin embargo, las tendencias afirman que el profesional de la información puede relacionarse positivamente con los procesos y tareas enmarcados en dicho campo."

Thanks for everything, sweet friend: BEYOND, DISLEARN OUR MISOGYNY: LETS move human rights issues at the HEART, ON GLOBAL struggle, against: poverty,violence (s), exclusion and discrimination, JUST, RIGHT NOW!!http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=6999380&l=03135c42ca&id=628036390DESAPRENDER LA MISOGINIA: PONGAMOS LOS DERECHOS HUMANOS, en el corazon de la lucha mundial CONTRA: LA POBREZA,LAS VIOLENCIAS, LA EXCLUSION Y LA DISCRIMINACION!!!_______________"(...) Podemos enseñarles a someter los criterios a la realidad y no la realidad a los criterios. A NO TENER miedo a los cambios. A atreverse a soñar y a perseguir sus sueños. A "revisar lo sabido y a pensar lo prohibido". Podemos jurarles que el futuro les pertenece y pedirles que lo asuman con responsabilidad y conciencia, pero también con DESEO Y PASION, como una bocanada de aire desesperada, SIN PERDERla alegría de vivir, de amar y de crear (...)" Ginny Taulé (1992)__________"The gens of solidarity does not exists, ALL of us, will need to be re-educated"Ezequiel Ander - Egg____"TIME is the base of CREATIVITY... in philosophers, artists, scientific peoples"Ilya Prigogine"Oftenly, as artists, scientific people, need to be adapted to exists under a relative disordered or disorganized world, that is what I called " creative and vital tension" (...)ANOMALY is the prior sign of a new paradigm (...) re design, the tools is something extravagant, but the NEW PARADIGM emerges, just when the rest of rules are breakdown (...) new paradigms, challenge, the ordinary or normal sciences, some times for a little group of individuals, in other cases, inclusive by just a single person (...) when new paradigm, is expressed... ALL TEXTS BOOKS, need to be re-written"Thomas S. Khun(1954, 1962)"Happy Babel" Experiences & Referenceshttp://happy-babel.blogspot.com/World Cultures. Ordinary Lives on Cyberspace.________YFS. Relative links.Personal Infohttp://www.linkedin.com/profile?viewProfile=&key=11404356https://www.xing.com/profile/YoeF_SantosGraciano2

Youth Journalism.org



Thanks for everything, sweet friend: BEYOND, DISLEARN OUR MISOGYNY: LETS move human rights issues at the HEART, ON GLOBAL struggle, against: poverty,violence (s), exclusion and discrimination, JUST, RIGHT NOW!!http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=6999380&l=03135c42ca&id=628036390DESAPRENDER LA MISOGINIA: PONGAMOS LOS DERECHOS HUMANOS, en el corazon de la lucha mundial CONTRA: LA POBREZA,LAS VIOLENCIAS, LA EXCLUSION Y LA DISCRIMINACION!!!_______________"(...) Podemos enseñarles a someter los criterios a la realidad y no la realidad a los criterios. A NO TENER miedo a los cambios. A atreverse a soñar y a perseguir sus sueños. A "revisar lo sabido y a pensar lo prohibido". Podemos jurarles que el futuro les pertenece y pedirles que lo asuman con responsabilidad y conciencia, pero también con DESEO Y PASION, como una bocanada de aire desesperada, SIN PERDERla alegría de vivir, de amar y de crear (...)" Ginny Taulé (1992)__________"The gens of solidarity does not exists, ALL of us, will need to be re-educated"Ezequiel Ander - Egg____"TIME is the base of CREATIVITY... in philosophers, artists, scientific peoples"Ilya Prigogine"Oftenly, as artists, scientific people, need to be adapted to exists under a relative disordered or disorganized world, that is what I called " creative and vital tension" (...)ANOMALY is the prior sign of a new paradigm (...) re design, the tools is something extravagant, but the NEW PARADIGM emerges, just when the rest of rules are breakdown (...) new paradigms, challenge, the ordinary or normal sciences, some times for a little group of individuals, in other cases, inclusive by just a single person (...) when new paradigm, is expressed... ALL TEXTS BOOKS, need to be re-written"Thomas S. Khun(1954, 1962)"Happy Babel" Experiences & Referenceshttp://happy-babel.blogspot.com/World Cultures. Ordinary Lives on Cyberspace.________YFS. Relative links.Personal Infohttp://www.linkedin.com/profile?viewProfile=&key=11404356https://www.xing.com/profile/YoeF_SantosGraciano2

Youth Journalism.org



Thanks for everything, sweet friend: BEYOND, DISLEARN OUR MISOGYNY: LETS move human rights issues at the HEART, ON GLOBAL struggle, against: poverty,violence (s), exclusion and discrimination, JUST, RIGHT NOW!!http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=6999380&l=03135c42ca&id=628036390DESAPRENDER LA MISOGINIA: PONGAMOS LOS DERECHOS HUMANOS, en el corazon de la lucha mundial CONTRA: LA POBREZA,LAS VIOLENCIAS, LA EXCLUSION Y LA DISCRIMINACION!!!_______________"(...) Podemos enseñarles a someter los criterios a la realidad y no la realidad a los criterios. A NO TENER miedo a los cambios. A atreverse a soñar y a perseguir sus sueños. A "revisar lo sabido y a pensar lo prohibido". Podemos jurarles que el futuro les pertenece y pedirles que lo asuman con responsabilidad y conciencia, pero también con DESEO Y PASION, como una bocanada de aire desesperada, SIN PERDERla alegría de vivir, de amar y de crear (...)" Ginny Taulé (1992)__________"The gens of solidarity does not exists, ALL of us, will need to be re-educated"Ezequiel Ander - Egg____"TIME is the base of CREATIVITY... in philosophers, artists, scientific peoples"Ilya Prigogine"Oftenly, as artists, scientific people, need to be adapted to exists under a relative disordered or disorganized world, that is what I called " creative and vital tension" (...)ANOMALY is the prior sign of a new paradigm (...) re design, the tools is something extravagant, but the NEW PARADIGM emerges, just when the rest of rules are breakdown (...) new paradigms, challenge, the ordinary or normal sciences, some times for a little group of individuals, in other cases, inclusive by just a single person (...) when new paradigm, is expressed... ALL TEXTS BOOKS, need to be re-written"Thomas S. Khun(1954, 1962)"Happy Babel" Experiences & Referenceshttp://happy-babel.blogspot.com/World Cultures. Ordinary Lives on Cyberspace.________YFS. Relative links.Personal Infohttp://www.linkedin.com/profile?viewProfile=&key=11404356https://www.xing.com/profile/YoeF_SantosGraciano2

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Abdel Wahed, 32, told me... by Human RIghts Watch

Human Rights Watch

I interviewed dozens of refugees from the Nafusa Mountains in late April and early May in Tunisian refugee camps, hospitals, and homes. The refugees described how Gaddafi troops encircled the towns of Nalut, Takut and Zintan, cut civilians off from food, medicine, and fuel supplies, and denied them access to their farms.
The Lives they Leave Behind | Human Rights Watch


‎"My father didn't even recognize me," Abdel Wahed, 32, told me when I interviewed him in a hospital in southern Tunisia in late April. His entire face was blackened with serious burns from what he believed was a Grad rocket launched by Gaddafi forces.

about an hour ago


Thanks for everything, sweet friend: BEYOND, DISLEARN OUR MISOGYNY: LETS move human rights issues at the HEART, ON GLOBAL struggle, against: poverty,violence (s), exclusion and discrimination, JUST, RIGHT NOW!!http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=6999380&l=03135c42ca&id=628036390DESAPRENDER LA MISOGINIA: PONGAMOS LOS DERECHOS HUMANOS, en el corazon de la lucha mundial CONTRA: LA POBREZA,LAS VIOLENCIAS, LA EXCLUSION Y LA DISCRIMINACION!!!_______________"(...) Podemos enseñarles a someter los criterios a la realidad y no la realidad a los criterios. A NO TENER miedo a los cambios. A atreverse a soñar y a perseguir sus sueños. A "revisar lo sabido y a pensar lo prohibido". Podemos jurarles que el futuro les pertenece y pedirles que lo asuman con responsabilidad y conciencia, pero también con DESEO Y PASION, como una bocanada de aire desesperada, SIN PERDERla alegría de vivir, de amar y de crear (...)" Ginny Taulé (1992)__________"The gens of solidarity does not exists, ALL of us, will need to be re-educated"Ezequiel Ander - Egg____"TIME is the base of CREATIVITY... in philosophers, artists, scientific peoples"Ilya Prigogine"Oftenly, as artists, scientific people, need to be adapted to exists under a relative disordered or disorganized world, that is what I called " creative and vital tension" (...)ANOMALY is the prior sign of a new paradigm (...) re design, the tools is something extravagant, but the NEW PARADIGM emerges, just when the rest of rules are breakdown (...) new paradigms, challenge, the ordinary or normal sciences, some times for a little group of individuals, in other cases, inclusive by just a single person (...) when new paradigm, is expressed... ALL TEXTS BOOKS, need to be re-written"Thomas S. Khun(1954, 1962)"Happy Babel" Experiences & Referenceshttp://happy-babel.blogspot.com/World Cultures. Ordinary Lives on Cyberspace.________YFS. Relative links.Personal Infohttp://www.linkedin.com/profile?viewProfile=&key=11404356https://www.xing.com/profile/YoeF_SantosGraciano2

LILACS-Población y condición de la mujer en República Dominicana; Population and woman condition in the Dominican Republic

LILACS-Población y condición de la mujer en República Dominicana; Population and woman condition in the Dominican Republic


Thanks for everything, sweet friend: BEYOND, DISLEARN OUR MISOGYNY: LETS move human rights issues at the HEART, ON GLOBAL struggle, against: poverty,violence (s), exclusion and discrimination, JUST, RIGHT NOW!!




"(...) Podemos enseñarles a someter los criterios a la realidad y no la realidad a los criterios. A NO TENER miedo a los cambios. A atreverse a soñar y a perseguir sus sueños. A "revisar lo sabido y a pensar lo prohibido". Podemos jurarles que el futuro les pertenece y pedirles que lo asuman con responsabilidad y conciencia, pero también con DESEO Y PASION, como una bocanada de aire desesperada, SIN PERDERla alegría de vivir, de amar y de crear (...)"

Ginny Taulé


"The gens of solidarity does not exists, ALL of us, will need to be re-educated"

Ezequiel Ander - Egg


"TIME is the base of CREATIVITY...
in philosophers, artists, scientific peoples"

Ilya Prigogine

"Oftenly, as artists, scientific people, need to be adapted to exists under
a relative disordered or disorganized world, that is what I called " creative and vital tension" (...)ANOMALY is the prior sign of a new paradigm (...) re design, the tools is something extravagant, but the NEW PARADIGM emerges, just when the rest of rules are breakdown (...) new paradigms, challenge, the ordinary or normal sciences, some times for a little group of individuals, in other cases, inclusive by just a single person (...) when new paradigm, is expressed... ALL TEXTS BOOKS, need to be re-written"

Thomas S. Khun

(1954, 1962)

"Happy Babel" Experiences & References

http://happy-babel.blogspot.com/World Cultures. Ordinary Lives on Cyberspace.________

YFS. Relative links.Personal Info

Thanks for everything, sweet friend:

BEYOND, DISLEARN OUR MISOGYNY: LETS move human rights issues at the HEART,

ON GLOBAL struggle, against:

poverty,violence (s), exclusion and discrimination,




en el corazon de la lucha mundial



"(...) Podemos enseñarles a someter los criterios a la realidad y no la realidad

a los criterios. A NO TENER miedo a los cambios. A atreverse a soñar y a perseguir

sus sueños. A "revisar lo sabido y a pensar lo prohibido". Podemos jurarles que

el futuro les pertenece y pedirles que lo asuman con responsabilidad y conciencia,

pero también con DESEO Y PASION, como una bocanada de aire desesperada, SIN PERDER

la alegría de vivir, de amar y de crear (...)"

Ginny Taulé (1992)


"The gens of solidarity does not exists, ALL of us, will need to be re-educated"

Ezequiel Ander - Egg____

"TIME is the base of CREATIVITY... in philosophers, artists, scientific peoples"

Ilya Prigogine

"Oftenly, as artists, scientific people, need to be adapted to exists under

a relative disordered or disorganized world, that is what I called

" creative and vital tension" (...)

ANOMALY is the prior sign of a new paradigm (...)

re design, the tools is something extravagant, but the NEW PARADIGM emerges,

just when the rest of rules are breakdown (...) new paradigms, challenge,

the ordinary or normal sciences, some times for a little group of individuals,

in other cases, inclusive by just a single person (...) when new paradigm,

is expressed... ALL TEXTS BOOKS, WILL need to be re-written"

Thomas S. Khun(1954, 1962)

"Happy Babel"

Experiences & References


World Cultures. Ordinary Lives on Cyberspace.________

YFS. Relative links.Personal Info



Friday, May 13, 2011

Timeline of Science Fiction Ideas, Technology and Inventions - Nerdcore

Timeline of Science Fiction Ideas, Technology and Inventions - Nerdcore

Thanks for everything, sweet friend: BEYOND, DISLEARN OUR MISOGYNY: LETS move human rights issues at the HEART, ON GLOBAL struggle, against: poverty,violence (s), exclusion and discrimination, JUST, RIGHT NOW!!http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=6999380&l=03135c42ca&id=628036390DESAPRENDER LA MISOGINIA: PONGAMOS LOS DERECHOS HUMANOS, en el corazon de la lucha mundial CONTRA: LA POBREZA,LAS VIOLENCIAS, LA EXCLUSION Y LA DISCRIMINACION!!!_______________"(...) Podemos enseñarles a someter los criterios a la realidad y no la realidad a los criterios. A NO TENER miedo a los cambios. A atreverse a soñar y a perseguir sus sueños. A "revisar lo sabido y a pensar lo prohibido". Podemos jurarles que el futuro les pertenece y pedirles que lo asuman con responsabilidad y conciencia, pero también con DESEO Y PASION, como una bocanada de aire desesperada, SIN PERDERla alegría de vivir, de amar y de crear (...)" Ginny Taulé (1992)__________"The gens of solidarity does not exists, ALL of us, will need to be re-educated"Ezequiel Ander - Egg____"TIME is the base of CREATIVITY... in philosophers, artists, scientific peoples"Ilya Prigogine"Oftenly, as artists, scientific people, need to be adapted to exists under a relative disordered or disorganized world, that is what I called " creative and vital tension" (...)ANOMALY is the prior sign of a new paradigm (...) re design, the tools is something extravagant, but the NEW PARADIGM emerges, just when the rest of rules are breakdown (...) new paradigms, challenge, the ordinary or normal sciences, some times for a little group of individuals, in other cases, inclusive by just a single person (...) when new paradigm, is expressed... ALL TEXTS BOOKS, need to be re-written"Thomas S. Khun(1954, 1962)"Happy Babel" Experiences & Referenceshttp://happy-babel.blogspot.com/World Cultures. Ordinary Lives on Cyberspace.________YFS. Relative links.Personal Infohttp://www.linkedin.com/profile?viewProfile=&key=11404356https://www.xing.com/profile/YoeF_SantosGraciano2

RensSearch - ITEC 1210-01 Histories and Chronologies of Technology

RensSearch - ITEC 1210-01 Histories and Chronologies of Technology

Thanks for everything, sweet friend: BEYOND, DISLEARN OUR MISOGYNY: LETS move human rights issues at the HEART, ON GLOBAL struggle, against: poverty,violence (s), exclusion and discrimination, JUST, RIGHT NOW!!http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=6999380&l=03135c42ca&id=628036390DESAPRENDER LA MISOGINIA: PONGAMOS LOS DERECHOS HUMANOS, en el corazon de la lucha mundial CONTRA: LA POBREZA,LAS VIOLENCIAS, LA EXCLUSION Y LA DISCRIMINACION!!!_______________"(...) Podemos enseñarles a someter los criterios a la realidad y no la realidad a los criterios. A NO TENER miedo a los cambios. A atreverse a soñar y a perseguir sus sueños. A "revisar lo sabido y a pensar lo prohibido". Podemos jurarles que el futuro les pertenece y pedirles que lo asuman con responsabilidad y conciencia, pero también con DESEO Y PASION, como una bocanada de aire desesperada, SIN PERDERla alegría de vivir, de amar y de crear (...)" Ginny Taulé (1992)__________"The gens of solidarity does not exists, ALL of us, will need to be re-educated"Ezequiel Ander - Egg____"TIME is the base of CREATIVITY... in philosophers, artists, scientific peoples"Ilya Prigogine"Oftenly, as artists, scientific people, need to be adapted to exists under a relative disordered or disorganized world, that is what I called " creative and vital tension" (...)ANOMALY is the prior sign of a new paradigm (...) re design, the tools is something extravagant, but the NEW PARADIGM emerges, just when the rest of rules are breakdown (...) new paradigms, challenge, the ordinary or normal sciences, some times for a little group of individuals, in other cases, inclusive by just a single person (...) when new paradigm, is expressed... ALL TEXTS BOOKS, need to be re-written"Thomas S. Khun(1954, 1962)"Happy Babel" Experiences & Referenceshttp://happy-babel.blogspot.com/World Cultures. Ordinary Lives on Cyberspace.________YFS. Relative links.Personal Infohttp://www.linkedin.com/profile?viewProfile=&key=11404356https://www.xing.com/profile/YoeF_SantosGraciano2

AAM—The Renaissance Connection: Lesson Plans: Invention Timeline

AAM—The Renaissance Connection: Lesson Plans: Invention Timeline

Thanks for everything, sweet friend: BEYOND, DISLEARN OUR MISOGYNY: LETS move human rights issues at the HEART, ON GLOBAL struggle, against: poverty,violence (s), exclusion and discrimination, JUST, RIGHT NOW!!http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=6999380&l=03135c42ca&id=628036390DESAPRENDER LA MISOGINIA: PONGAMOS LOS DERECHOS HUMANOS, en el corazon de la lucha mundial CONTRA: LA POBREZA,LAS VIOLENCIAS, LA EXCLUSION Y LA DISCRIMINACION!!!_______________"(...) Podemos enseñarles a someter los criterios a la realidad y no la realidad a los criterios. A NO TENER miedo a los cambios. A atreverse a soñar y a perseguir sus sueños. A "revisar lo sabido y a pensar lo prohibido". Podemos jurarles que el futuro les pertenece y pedirles que lo asuman con responsabilidad y conciencia, pero también con DESEO Y PASION, como una bocanada de aire desesperada, SIN PERDERla alegría de vivir, de amar y de crear (...)" Ginny Taulé (1992)__________"The gens of solidarity does not exists, ALL of us, will need to be re-educated"Ezequiel Ander - Egg____"TIME is the base of CREATIVITY... in philosophers, artists, scientific peoples"Ilya Prigogine"Oftenly, as artists, scientific people, need to be adapted to exists under a relative disordered or disorganized world, that is what I called " creative and vital tension" (...)ANOMALY is the prior sign of a new paradigm (...) re design, the tools is something extravagant, but the NEW PARADIGM emerges, just when the rest of rules are breakdown (...) new paradigms, challenge, the ordinary or normal sciences, some times for a little group of individuals, in other cases, inclusive by just a single person (...) when new paradigm, is expressed... ALL TEXTS BOOKS, need to be re-written"Thomas S. Khun(1954, 1962)"Happy Babel" Experiences & Referenceshttp://happy-babel.blogspot.com/World Cultures. Ordinary Lives on Cyberspace.________YFS. Relative links.Personal Infohttp://www.linkedin.com/profile?viewProfile=&key=11404356https://www.xing.com/profile/YoeF_SantosGraciano2

Timeline of Telecommunications

Timeline of Telecommunications

Thanks for everything, sweet friend: BEYOND, DISLEARN OUR MISOGYNY: LETS move human rights issues at the HEART, ON GLOBAL struggle, against: poverty,violence (s), exclusion and discrimination, JUST, RIGHT NOW!!http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=6999380&l=03135c42ca&id=628036390DESAPRENDER LA MISOGINIA: PONGAMOS LOS DERECHOS HUMANOS, en el corazon de la lucha mundial CONTRA: LA POBREZA,LAS VIOLENCIAS, LA EXCLUSION Y LA DISCRIMINACION!!!_______________"(...) Podemos enseñarles a someter los criterios a la realidad y no la realidad a los criterios. A NO TENER miedo a los cambios. A atreverse a soñar y a perseguir sus sueños. A "revisar lo sabido y a pensar lo prohibido". Podemos jurarles que el futuro les pertenece y pedirles que lo asuman con responsabilidad y conciencia, pero también con DESEO Y PASION, como una bocanada de aire desesperada, SIN PERDERla alegría de vivir, de amar y de crear (...)" Ginny Taulé (1992)__________"The gens of solidarity does not exists, ALL of us, will need to be re-educated"Ezequiel Ander - Egg____"TIME is the base of CREATIVITY... in philosophers, artists, scientific peoples"Ilya Prigogine"Oftenly, as artists, scientific people, need to be adapted to exists under a relative disordered or disorganized world, that is what I called " creative and vital tension" (...)ANOMALY is the prior sign of a new paradigm (...) re design, the tools is something extravagant, but the NEW PARADIGM emerges, just when the rest of rules are breakdown (...) new paradigms, challenge, the ordinary or normal sciences, some times for a little group of individuals, in other cases, inclusive by just a single person (...) when new paradigm, is expressed... ALL TEXTS BOOKS, need to be re-written"Thomas S. Khun(1954, 1962)"Happy Babel" Experiences & Referenceshttp://happy-babel.blogspot.com/World Cultures. Ordinary Lives on Cyberspace.________YFS. Relative links.Personal Infohttp://www.linkedin.com/profile?viewProfile=&key=11404356https://www.xing.com/profile/YoeF_SantosGraciano2

The History of Invention and Technology Timelines

The History of Invention and Technology Timelines

Thanks for everything, sweet friend: BEYOND, DISLEARN OUR MISOGYNY: LETS move human rights issues at the HEART, ON GLOBAL struggle, against: poverty,violence (s), exclusion and discrimination, JUST, RIGHT NOW!!http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=6999380&l=03135c42ca&id=628036390DESAPRENDER LA MISOGINIA: PONGAMOS LOS DERECHOS HUMANOS, en el corazon de la lucha mundial CONTRA: LA POBREZA,LAS VIOLENCIAS, LA EXCLUSION Y LA DISCRIMINACION!!!_______________"(...) Podemos enseñarles a someter los criterios a la realidad y no la realidad a los criterios. A NO TENER miedo a los cambios. A atreverse a soñar y a perseguir sus sueños. A "revisar lo sabido y a pensar lo prohibido". Podemos jurarles que el futuro les pertenece y pedirles que lo asuman con responsabilidad y conciencia, pero también con DESEO Y PASION, como una bocanada de aire desesperada, SIN PERDERla alegría de vivir, de amar y de crear (...)" Ginny Taulé (1992)__________"The gens of solidarity does not exists, ALL of us, will need to be re-educated"Ezequiel Ander - Egg____"TIME is the base of CREATIVITY... in philosophers, artists, scientific peoples"Ilya Prigogine"Oftenly, as artists, scientific people, need to be adapted to exists under a relative disordered or disorganized world, that is what I called " creative and vital tension" (...)ANOMALY is the prior sign of a new paradigm (...) re design, the tools is something extravagant, but the NEW PARADIGM emerges, just when the rest of rules are breakdown (...) new paradigms, challenge, the ordinary or normal sciences, some times for a little group of individuals, in other cases, inclusive by just a single person (...) when new paradigm, is expressed... ALL TEXTS BOOKS, need to be re-written"Thomas S. Khun(1954, 1962)"Happy Babel" Experiences & Referenceshttp://happy-babel.blogspot.com/World Cultures. Ordinary Lives on Cyberspace.________YFS. Relative links.Personal Infohttp://www.linkedin.com/profile?viewProfile=&key=11404356https://www.xing.com/profile/YoeF_SantosGraciano2

50s - Timeline and Inventions of the 50s

50s - Timeline and Inventions of the 50s

Thanks for everything, sweet friend: BEYOND, DISLEARN OUR MISOGYNY: LETS move human rights issues at the HEART, ON GLOBAL struggle, against: poverty,violence (s), exclusion and discrimination, JUST, RIGHT NOW!!http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=6999380&l=03135c42ca&id=628036390DESAPRENDER LA MISOGINIA: PONGAMOS LOS DERECHOS HUMANOS, en el corazon de la lucha mundial CONTRA: LA POBREZA,LAS VIOLENCIAS, LA EXCLUSION Y LA DISCRIMINACION!!!_______________"(...) Podemos enseñarles a someter los criterios a la realidad y no la realidad a los criterios. A NO TENER miedo a los cambios. A atreverse a soñar y a perseguir sus sueños. A "revisar lo sabido y a pensar lo prohibido". Podemos jurarles que el futuro les pertenece y pedirles que lo asuman con responsabilidad y conciencia, pero también con DESEO Y PASION, como una bocanada de aire desesperada, SIN PERDERla alegría de vivir, de amar y de crear (...)" Ginny Taulé (1992)__________"The gens of solidarity does not exists, ALL of us, will need to be re-educated"Ezequiel Ander - Egg____"TIME is the base of CREATIVITY... in philosophers, artists, scientific peoples"Ilya Prigogine"Oftenly, as artists, scientific people, need to be adapted to exists under a relative disordered or disorganized world, that is what I called " creative and vital tension" (...)ANOMALY is the prior sign of a new paradigm (...) re design, the tools is something extravagant, but the NEW PARADIGM emerges, just when the rest of rules are breakdown (...) new paradigms, challenge, the ordinary or normal sciences, some times for a little group of individuals, in other cases, inclusive by just a single person (...) when new paradigm, is expressed... ALL TEXTS BOOKS, need to be re-written"Thomas S. Khun(1954, 1962)"Happy Babel" Experiences & Referenceshttp://happy-babel.blogspot.com/World Cultures. Ordinary Lives on Cyberspace.________YFS. Relative links.Personal Infohttp://www.linkedin.com/profile?viewProfile=&key=11404356https://www.xing.com/profile/YoeF_SantosGraciano2




Thanks for everything, sweet friend: BEYOND, DISLEARN OUR MISOGYNY: LETS move human rights issues at the HEART, ON GLOBAL struggle, against: poverty,violence (s), exclusion and discrimination, JUST, RIGHT NOW!!http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=6999380&l=03135c42ca&id=628036390DESAPRENDER LA MISOGINIA: PONGAMOS LOS DERECHOS HUMANOS, en el corazon de la lucha mundial CONTRA: LA POBREZA,LAS VIOLENCIAS, LA EXCLUSION Y LA DISCRIMINACION!!!_______________"(...) Podemos enseñarles a someter los criterios a la realidad y no la realidad a los criterios. A NO TENER miedo a los cambios. A atreverse a soñar y a perseguir sus sueños. A "revisar lo sabido y a pensar lo prohibido". Podemos jurarles que el futuro les pertenece y pedirles que lo asuman con responsabilidad y conciencia, pero también con DESEO Y PASION, como una bocanada de aire desesperada, SIN PERDERla alegría de vivir, de amar y de crear (...)" Ginny Taulé (1992)__________"The gens of solidarity does not exists, ALL of us, will need to be re-educated"Ezequiel Ander - Egg____"TIME is the base of CREATIVITY... in philosophers, artists, scientific peoples"Ilya Prigogine"Oftenly, as artists, scientific people, need to be adapted to exists under a relative disordered or disorganized world, that is what I called " creative and vital tension" (...)ANOMALY is the prior sign of a new paradigm (...) re design, the tools is something extravagant, but the NEW PARADIGM emerges, just when the rest of rules are breakdown (...) new paradigms, challenge, the ordinary or normal sciences, some times for a little group of individuals, in other cases, inclusive by just a single person (...) when new paradigm, is expressed... ALL TEXTS BOOKS, need to be re-written"Thomas S. Khun(1954, 1962)"Happy Babel" Experiences & Referenceshttp://happy-babel.blogspot.com/World Cultures. Ordinary Lives on Cyberspace.________YFS. Relative links.Personal Infohttp://www.linkedin.com/profile?viewProfile=&key=11404356https://www.xing.com/profile/YoeF_SantosGraciano2

History of technology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

History of technology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Thanks for everything, sweet friend: BEYOND, DISLEARN OUR MISOGYNY: LETS move human rights issues at the HEART, ON GLOBAL struggle, against: poverty,violence (s), exclusion and discrimination, JUST, RIGHT NOW!!http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=6999380&l=03135c42ca&id=628036390DESAPRENDER LA MISOGINIA: PONGAMOS LOS DERECHOS HUMANOS, en el corazon de la lucha mundial CONTRA: LA POBREZA,LAS VIOLENCIAS, LA EXCLUSION Y LA DISCRIMINACION!!!_______________"(...) Podemos enseñarles a someter los criterios a la realidad y no la realidad a los criterios. A NO TENER miedo a los cambios. A atreverse a soñar y a perseguir sus sueños. A "revisar lo sabido y a pensar lo prohibido". Podemos jurarles que el futuro les pertenece y pedirles que lo asuman con responsabilidad y conciencia, pero también con DESEO Y PASION, como una bocanada de aire desesperada, SIN PERDERla alegría de vivir, de amar y de crear (...)" Ginny Taulé (1992)__________"The gens of solidarity does not exists, ALL of us, will need to be re-educated"Ezequiel Ander - Egg____"TIME is the base of CREATIVITY... in philosophers, artists, scientific peoples"Ilya Prigogine"Oftenly, as artists, scientific people, need to be adapted to exists under a relative disordered or disorganized world, that is what I called " creative and vital tension" (...)ANOMALY is the prior sign of a new paradigm (...) re design, the tools is something extravagant, but the NEW PARADIGM emerges, just when the rest of rules are breakdown (...) new paradigms, challenge, the ordinary or normal sciences, some times for a little group of individuals, in other cases, inclusive by just a single person (...) when new paradigm, is expressed... ALL TEXTS BOOKS, need to be re-written"Thomas S. Khun(1954, 1962)"Happy Babel" Experiences & Referenceshttp://happy-babel.blogspot.com/World Cultures. Ordinary Lives on Cyberspace.________YFS. Relative links.Personal Infohttp://www.linkedin.com/profile?viewProfile=&key=11404356https://www.xing.com/profile/YoeF_SantosGraciano2

History of Science and Technology : Timeline

History of Science and Technology : Timeline


Thanks for everything, sweet friend: BEYOND, DISLEARN OUR MISOGYNY: LETS move human rights issues at the HEART, ON GLOBAL struggle, against: poverty,violence (s), exclusion and discrimination, JUST, RIGHT NOW!!




"(...) Podemos enseñarles a someter los criterios a la realidad y no la realidad a los criterios. A NO TENER miedo a los cambios. A atreverse a soñar y a perseguir sus sueños. A "revisar lo sabido y a pensar lo prohibido". Podemos jurarles que el futuro les pertenece y pedirles que lo asuman con responsabilidad y conciencia, pero también con DESEO Y PASION, como una bocanada de aire desesperada, SIN PERDERla alegría de vivir, de amar y de crear (...)" Ginny Taulé (1992)


"The gens of solidarity does not exists, ALL of us, will need to be re-educated"Ezequiel Ander - Egg____"TIME is the base of CREATIVITY... in philosophers, artists, scientific peoples"Ilya Prigogine"Oftenly, as artists, scientific people, need to be adapted to exists under a relative disordered or disorganized world, that is what I called " creative and vital tension" (...)ANOMALY is the prior sign of a new paradigm (...) re design, the tools is something extravagant, but the NEW PARADIGM emerges, just when the rest of rules are breakdown (...) new paradigms, challenge, the ordinary or normal sciences, some times for a little group of individuals, in other cases, inclusive by just a single person (...) when new paradigm, is expressed... ALL TEXTS BOOKS, need to be re-written"

Thomas S. Khun(1954, 1962)

"Happy Babel" Experiences & References


World's Cultures. Ordinary Lives on Cyberspace.


YFS. Relative links.Personal



Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Poetry and Quotes Read or watch poems and quotes about life, love, struggle and more

Poetry and Quotes

Read or watch poems and quotes

about life, love, struggle and more


Thanks for everything, sweet friend: BEYOND, DISLEARN OUR MISOGYNY: LETS move human rights issues at the HEART, ON GLOBAL struggle, against: poverty,violence (s), exclusion and discrimination, JUST, RIGHT NOW!!




"(...) Podemos enseñarles a someter los criterios a la realidad y no la realidad a los criterios. A NO TENER miedo a los cambios. A atreverse a soñar y a perseguir sus sueños. A "revisar lo sabido y a pensar lo prohibido". Podemos jurarles que el futuro les pertenece y pedirles que lo asuman con responsabilidad y conciencia, pero también con DESEO Y PASION, como una bocanada de aire desesperada, SIN PERDER la alegría de vivir, de amar y de crear (...)"

Ginny Taulé (1992)


"The gens of solidarity does not exists, ALL of us, will need to be re-educated"

Ezequiel Ander - Egg


"TIME is the base of CREATIVITY... in philosophers, artists, scientific peoples"

Ilya Prigogine

"Oftenly, as artists, scientific people, need to be adapted to exists under a relative disordered or disorganized world, that is what I called " creative and vital tension" (...)ANOMALY is the prior sign of a new paradigm (...) re design, the tools is something extravagant, but the NEW PARADIGM emerges, just when the rest of rules are breakdown (...) new paradigms, challenge, the ordinary or normal sciences, some times for a little group of individuals, in other cases, inclusive by just a single person (...) when new paradigm, is expressed... ALL TEXTS BOOKS, need to be re-written"

Thomas S. Khun (1954, 1962)

"Happy Babel" Experiences & References


World Cultures. Ordinary Lives on Cyberspace. ________

YFS. Relative links.Personal Info



Monday, May 9, 2011

You are always, WELCOME, to my mind: this is a BIO, confident, channel: this is a personal channel and agenda (s)...


This is a personal channel, for livelong learning process, for see our current world, and try to learn collaboratively, under the stimulii, provided by web 2.0 or social sharing channels:

HERE, my private or personal, preferences, tools with the power and inspiration

FOR HELP ME to understand, be challenged or help to change...

adversity, for joy, tears for hope, and traditions, hate and intolerance, for a:

magical bridge for peace and local and global understanding
, using tools

as e-translation, based on cultural, citizens journalism, bloggers,

human rights and individual freedom and liberties defenders,

centered in INVISIBLE, vulnerable sectors of ordinary reality as children,

young PEOPLES, disabilities peoples, rural citizens,

afrodescendents and original peoples, and their conections with

emergent DEMOCRATIC AND CULTURAL citizenship, ...

as human beings in current world, as expressions of unite on diversity.


links, articles, repositories or databankS, as feedback,

coming from everywhere- e-translation is OK, here, if YOU include a copy to at least one Romanic Language: Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Romanian, or similar-, in current planet:

who works on edutainment,

leisure, communications, education, researches, b2b services,

communitarian tools and initiatives, projects management, intangibles, new economy,

paradigmal transition, philosophy and cyberspace,

telecenters and other tools for social inclusion and human development, are always welcome.

Here we go!

Armut und soziale Arbeit - Google Books

Armut und soziale Arbeit - Google Books